When the call for physical distancing and the subsequent closure of non-essential businesses and services came down from the federal and provincial government in recent weeks, the last thing most people were worried about was their hair.

But, as the lockdowns lengthen into the foreseeable future, really with no forecast end in sight, questions have begun to arise in online conversations and on social media about how people would cope with their hair at home.

We at Hair by TMS care about your hair and seek to provide the best services for you our clients and potential clients. As passionate as we are about your hair, we also care about your health during this pandemic.

As we all know , Covid-19 is an incredibly infectious virus that is transmitted by coming in contact with droplets or microdroplets from an infected individual. As such, different measures have been taken to limit the spread of the virus, social distancing being one of them. This has crippled movement and businesses hereby limiting availability of various services. In this case, leading to the temporary closure of our Hair studio.
We would like to share some tips on how to stay safe and also take care of your hair be it dreadlocks or your hair in general.

1. Always clean surfaces (disinfect them), to eradicate germs.
2. Stay indoors; as hard as it may seem,this is the most efficient of all precautionary measures given as this limits the spread of the virus( if you don’t move the virus can’t either).
3. Wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds and sanitize your hands well in cases where you cannot wash your hands.
4. Always maintain social distancing as even talking with a personal can expose you to the virus.


1. Wash your hair regularly and do not forget to condition your hair so it doesn’t get dried out; for people with natural hair. For dreadlocks, make sure your hair is properly washed and dried and do not forget to moisturise tryout scalp your HAIR OXYGEN STIMULATING OIL (CLICK to  SHOP NOW).

2. Always cover your hair . This is a protective measure. We recommend that you use your PROTECTIVE DURAG. For people with natural hair you can consider getting a satin bonnet (CLICK to SHOP NOW).
3. Keep all hair materials clean and sanitized at all times.
4. As much as we recommend covering your hair in order to protect it, let it breathe sometimes; your hair needs it.

It’s safe to say that virtually everyone is affected by this virus and it would take some time to recover from this times we are in but adhering to safety precautions would help take care of the spread hence returning things back to normal. With time and prayer hopefully everything will be back to normal.

All products listed can be gotten on our website SHOP PAGE.




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